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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MPEGA 3.0 (15-Jul-1997) (68020+) (GIFTWARE)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Distribution Conditions
- -----------------------
- This program is copyright (c) 1995-1997 by Stephane TAVENARD.
- It may be distributed freely under the condition that no profit is
- gained from its distribution, nor from any other program distributed
- in the same package.
- Permission is granted to distribute this package by Bulletin Board
- systems or network sites, under the condition that no fee is charged
- on downloading it.
- All files that are part of this package have to be distributed
- together and none of them may be changed in any way other than
- archiving or crunching. The only exception to this rule are the
- icons, including the tooltypes, which may be changed to accommodate
- them to the rest of the disk it is distributed on.
- This program is distibuted as freeware (and giftware).
- Disclamer
- ---------
- This package is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
- The author assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever
- for any damage or dataloss caused by using this package.
- Introduction
- ------------
- What is MPEG audio ?
- It's a very efficient audio compression standard. Actually, there is 3
- compression methods, named layer I, II & III. Layer III is more efficient
- than layer II, which is more efficient than layer I. But, more efficient
- means more complex.
- MPEG audio allows to compress a 16-bit PCM sound file from 1.2 to
- 32 times.
- Why is it so hard to make a real time MPEG audio decoder ?
- MPEG audio decoding requires a lot of arithmetic calculation, so a lot of CPU
- power is required. Normally, MPEG audio decoding is made with help of a DSP.
- History
- -------
- V1.0 23-Jun-1995 First aminet release
- V1.1 09-Sep-1995 Added mixing audio output. For example, it can play at
- 28000Hz a 11025Hz decoded stream (-d4 option).
- V1.2B 31-Jul-1996 68020..68040 and 68060 versions
- Buffer time can be set by user
- Can play half rate if private bit is set in mpeg stream
- V1.3 01-Nov-1996 Added MPEG2 low sampling frequencies
- V2.0 31-Mar-1997 Added Layer III !
- V2.1 02-Apr-1997 -x option now works (missing !)
- V2.2 05-Apr-1997 Corrected bug in MPEG I,II dequantization
- IMDCT now in pure asm
- Decoding Layer III is now 20% faster than V2.1
- V2.2B 06-Apr-1997 Added MPEG2.5 support
- Fixed bug in subband synthesis filter
- V2.3 11-Apr-1997 Optimized subband synthesis filter
- play audio as default (-s to silence)
- added priority option (-p)
- V2.4 19-Apr-1997 Optimized huffman decoding of Layer III
- Added AHI support (-I option)
- Use now async I/O for reading input file
- Improved multitasking capabilities
- V2.5 03-May-1997 Fixed bug for 48kHz & 24kHz streams
- Fixed bug in that swallows end of sound
- Added seek into stream (-S option)
- Use of AHI V4
- Fixed bug when stopping with Ctrl-C
- Re-enabled AIFF header (-A option)
- Added max decoding frequency (-F option)
- V2.6 16-May-1997 Added Time counter (-T option)
- Fixed small bug into IMDCT of layer III
- Fixed "Audio skipping" bug at start of play
- V2.7 18-May-1997 Optimized Subband synthesis (global gain = 20% on 060 !)
- Added synchronization tolerance (allows to read some incorrect bitstreams)
- No more crash if input stream is not MPEG Audio
- V2.8 24-May-1997 All output text info is now output to stdio instead of stderr
- Audio manager use now soft interrupts
- V2.9 29-May-1997 Added -w option to wait for audio buffer to be full before starting audio
- Added -b option to set the input file buffer size (default is 16KB)
- Gain of 6% for layer III decoding (on '060)
- V3.0 15-Jul-1997 FPU Version use now Optimized FPU routines (no more INTEGER calc.)
- -> FPU is slower than non FPU version, but provides more quality
- Suppressed MPEG Audio header check (some streams have pb with it)
- Corrected bad lock when opening stream (MUFS files didn't work)
- New Huffman filling buffer (Decoding layer III is 5% faster on a 060)
- -a option to display audio buffer fill level (in secs)
- Audio buffer size can be more than 32 secs now
- Added WAVE output option (-W)
- Added Decoding parameters output option (-D)
- Faster dequantization & stereo process in layer III
- Play list as input file with -l option
- Output file can be specified with -o <file> option
- Added a config file (default is MPEGA:MPEGA.CFG, then MPEGA.CFG):
- - separate mpeg decoder options for Layer I&II and III, mono and stereo files
- - default options
- Added -C option to display current configuration
- Now time used is only displayed if -u option is set
- Description
- -----------
- You need at least a 68020 CPU to use it !
- This is an highly optimized MPEG audio decoder. This one can decode MPEG audio
- standard streams, layer I, II & III. The output can be either a raw PCM file
- or AMIGA-builtin audio device (14-bit/cybersound/AHI).
- How to use it
- -------------
- Syntax: MPEGA [<options>] <MPEG Audio file> [<out pcm file>]
- options are:
- -d <freq_div> frequency division: 1, 2 or 4
- -q <quality> output quality: 0 (worst), 1 or 2 (best)
- -h display header only
- -n no frame counter
- -m mono output (left channel)
- -p <pri> process priority (-30..30)
- -I[<id>] AHI output, <id> = Audio mode ID in hex (ex: -I20004)
- -s silence (no audio output)
- -f 0|1 audio filter off/on (default = auto)
- -x <freq> audio mixing frequency (default = none)
- -t <ms> audio buffer time in ms (default = 1 sec)
- -v <vol> audio volume (0..64 or 65..256 for boost)
- -w wait for audio buffer to be full before starting audio
- -S <ms> seek to time postion in stream (unit is ms)
- -A write AIFF header to output file
- -W write WAVE header to output file
- -F <freq_max> max decoding frequency (auto freq_div)
- -T display time counter instead of frame counter
- -b <k_size> set the input file buffer size in KBytes (default = 16KB)
- -D display decoding parameters
- -l input file is a play list (text file)
- -o <out file> output decoded file
- -c <cfg file> configuration file (default = MPEGA.CFG)
- -C display current configuration
- -u display time used
- Play list
- ~~~~~~~~~
- A play list is a text file, each line containing a filename (and its path).
- Example:
- ----- BEGIN OF playlist.txt -----
- mpega:films/PFICTION.MP3
- mpega:films/Blade_Runner/Blade_Runner_Blues.mp2
- mpega:Angra/Carolina_IV.mp2
- ------ END OF playlist.txt ------
- -> 'mpega -l playlist.txt' will play all the files in this play list
- Config File
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- The default config file is 'MPEGA.CFG' loaded each time you start mpega.
- MPEGA first look for MPEGA.CFG in 'MPEGA:' directory. If not found,
- it try to open MPEGA.CFG in current directory.
- You can specify an alternate config file with -c option.
- A config file is a set of line options. The first 4 lines are used to
- configure the mpeg decoder according to the mpeg audio file type.
- line option # mpeg audio file type
- 1 Layer I or II, Mono
- 2 Layer III, Mono
- 3 Layer I or II, Stereo
- 4 Layer III, Stereo
- On this first lines, only options -d, -q, -F and -m are allowed
- The next lines are used as default options, as they were entered
- on the command line.
- Comment lines are blank lines or lines begining with #
- Example of config file:
- ----- BEGIN OF MPEGA.CFG -----
- # Config file for MPEGA
- #
- # WARNING You must not change the config lines order !
- # option line is limited to 255 characters
- #
- # MPEG decoder options (allowed options: -d -q -F -m)
- #
- # Mono files:
- # Layers I & II
- -d1 -q2
- # Layers III
- -d2 -q1
- #
- # Stereo files:
- # Layers I & II
- -d1 -q1 -m
- # Layers III
- -q0 -F22050 -m
- #
- # Default options (all options allowed, may overwrite previous options)
- -u -T
- ------ END OF MPEGA.CFG ------
- Several version are available:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- mpega.020 68020 or 68030 with or without FPU
- mpega.020FPU 68020 or 68030 + FPU
- mpega.040 68040 or 68060 with or without FPU
- mpega.040FPU 68040 or 68060 + FPU
- Examples:
- playing sound without counter, priority of 10:
- mpega -p10 -n <mpeg file>
- or with AHI:
- mode id requester:
- mpega -p10 -n -I <mpeg file>
- mode id 20004:
- mpega -p10 -n -I20004 <mpeg file>
- playing on a pal screen (limit to 28Khz):
- mpega -x28000 <mpeg file>
- creating an output pcm file without sound:
- mpega -s <mpeg file> <output pcm file>
- creating an output AIFF file without sound:
- mpega -s -A <mpeg file> <output pcm file>
- Limit the decoding frequency to 22.05KHz
- mpega -F22050 <mpeg file>
- Speed
- -----
- Today, MPEG layer III decoders are very rare on AMIGA
- A little comparison with amp.0.7.2 on 68060/64 MHz:
- Spot1-44S.96.mp3 (Stereo 44.1KHz 96kpbs layer III) of 10.9 sec
- amp.040881 mpega:test/Spot1-44S.96.mp3 ram:out.pcm -> 12.5 sec
- mpega.040 mpega:test/Spot1-44S.96.mp3 -s -> 3.3 sec
- Future
- ------
- - Port of Layer III to 'SongPlayer' (aminet/mus/play)
- - More speed !
- Copyrights
- ----------
- AHI is Copyright ©1994-96 Martin Blom
- Thanks to my friend, AMIGA, the best computer ever made.
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- Stéphane TAVENARD (ANGERS/France)
- Email: tavenard@xiii.univ-angers.fr (it's my brother Raphaël mail)
- IRC: Tatav
- Send your gifts here :^)
- Stéphane TAVENARD
- La Bezanière
- 49070 Saint Jean de Linières
- Nota from Raphaël: Because my E-mail account is very very short, please tell me before
- using an attachment :(